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  Index Copernicus   117.78 121.42 124.87 124.62
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Contents of Volume 19 Issue 2   Contents of Volume 19 Issue 1

Contents of Volume 18 Issue 4   Contents of Volume 18 Issue 3

Contents of Volume 18 Issue 2   Contents of Volume 18 Issue 1

Contents of Volume 17 Issue 4   Contents of Volume 17 Issue 3

Contents of Volume 17 Issue 2   Contents of Volume 17 Issue 1

Contents of Volume 16 Issue 3   Contents of Volume 16 Issue 3

Contents of Volume 16 Issue 2   Contents of Volume 16 Issue 1

Contents of Volume 15 Issue 4

Contents of Volume 15 Issue 3   Contents of Volume 15 Issue 4

Contents of Volume 15 Issue 2   Contents of Volume 15 Issue 1

Contents of Volume 14 Issue3   Contents of Volume 14 Issue3

Contents of Volume 14 Issue1   Contents of Volume 13 Issue 4  

Contents of Volume 13 Issue 4   Contents of Volume 13 Issue 3  

Contents of Volume 13 Issue 1   Contents of Volume 13 Issue 1  

Contents of Volume 12 Issue 4  

Contents of Volume 12 Issue Special Edition   Contents of Volume 10 Issue 3  

Contents of Volume 10 Issue 3   Contents of Volume 10 Issue 3  

Contents of Volume 10 Issue 3   Contents of Volume 10 Issue 3  

Contents of Volume 10 Issue 3   Contents of Volume 10 Issue 3  

Contents of Volume 10 Issue 3  

Contents of Volume 10 Issue 4   Contents of Volume 10 Issue 3  

Contents of Volume 10 Issue 2   Contents of Volume 10 Issue 1  

Contents of Volume 9 Issue 4   Contents of Volume 9 Special Edition   Contents of Volume 9 Issue 3  

Contents of Volume 9 Issue 2   Contents of Volume 9 Issue 1   

Contents of Volume 8 Issue 4   Contents of Volume 8 Issue 3  

Contents of Volume 8 Issue 2   Contents of Volume 8 Issue 1

Contents of Volume 7 Issue 4   Contents of Volume 7 Issue 3

Contents of Volume 7 Issue 2   Contents of Volume 7 Issue 1

Contents of Volume 6 Issue 4   Contents of Volume 6 Issue 3

Contents of Volume 6 Issue 2   Contents of Volume 6 Issue 1

Contents of Volume 5 Issue 4   Contents of Volume 5 Issue 3

Contents of Volume 5 Issue 2   Contents of Volume 5 Issue 1

Contents of Volume 4 Issue 4   Contents of Volume 4 Issue 3 Part 2   Contents of Volume 4 Issue 3 Part 1

Contents of Volume 4 Issue 2   Contents of Volume 4 Issue 1

Contents of Volume 3 Issue 
4   Part 2   Contents of Volume 3 Issue 
4   Part 1   Contents of Volume 3 Issue 3

Contents of Volume 3 Issue 2   Contents of Volume 3 Issue 1

Contents of Volume 2 Issue 4   Contents of Volume 2 Issue 3

Contents of Volume 2 Issue 2   Contents of Volume 2 Issue 1



Transport Problems
Print edition: ISSN 1896-0596
Online edition: ISSN 2300-861X

The Silesian University of Technology,
Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering
Krasińskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice, Poland

Editorial Board:
Prof. Aleksander Sładkowski - editor-in-chief
Prof. Bogusław Łazarz
Prof. Piotr Folęga
Prof. Piotr Czech - assoc. editor
MSc. Paweł Marzec - technical editor
Elżbieta Gorgoń - technical secretary
Magnum Proofreading Services (Canada) - Language Editing Service

International Programming Council (Editorial Advisory Board):
Prof. Andrzej Chudzikiewicz (Poland) - chairman

Prof. Ajay Kapoor (Australia)
Prof. Pier Marzocca (Australia)
Prof. Harald Frey (Austria)
Prof. Marc Juwet (Belgium)
Prof. Dean Vucinic (Belgium)
Prof. Rosen Ivanov (Bulgaria)
Prof. Ruxandra Botez (Canada)
Prof. Witold Pedrycz (Canada)
Prof. Srecko Krile (Croatia)
Prof. Manfred Lange (Cyprus)
Prof. Radim Farana (Czech Republic)
Prof. Frank Witlox (Estonia)
Prof. Petri Helo (Finland)
Dr. Laurent Carnis (France)
Prof. George Tumanishvili (Georgia)
Prof. Klaus Becker (Germany)
Prof. Adolf Hobbacher (Germany)
Prof. Vassilis Kappatos (Greece)
Prof. George Yannis (Greece)
Prof. Peter Gaspar (Hungary)
Prof. Thordur Fridgeirsson (Iceland)
Prof. Kshitij Gupta (India)
Prof. Gabriele Malavasi (Italy)
Prof. Fabrizio Paganucci (Italy)
Prof. Tetsuro Hyodo (Japan)
Prof. Beibit Myrzakhmetov (Kazakhstan)
Prof. Mareks Mezitis (Latvia)
Prof. Gediminas Vaiciunas (Lithuania)
Prof. Lorant Tavasszy (Netherlands)
Prof. Marija Malenkovska Todorova (North Macedonia)
Dr. Elzbieta Bitner-Gregersen (Norway)
Prof. Zbigniew Łukasik (Poland)
Prof. Leszek Mindur (Poland)
Prof. Robert Tomanek (Poland)
Prof. Abilio Manuel da Silva (Portugal)
Prof. Jorge Miguel dos Reis Silva (Portugal)
Prof. Mihaela Popa (Romania)
Prof. Lee Der-Horng (Singapore)
Prof. Tatiana Čorejová (Slovakia)
Prof. Elen Twrdy (Slovenia)
Prof. Antonio Gabaldon (Spain)
Prof. Alfonso Orro (Spain)
Dr. Ghazwan Al-Haji (Sweden)
Prof. Shyue-Koong Chang (Taiwan)
Prof. Igor Taran (Ukraine)
Prof. Andrzej Bargiela (United Kingdom)
Dr. Marin Marinov (United Kingdom)
Dr. Xiaohua Li (USA)
Dr. Pooya Najaf (USA)
Prof. Bakhodir Turaev (Uzbekistan)
Dr. Bunda Besa (Zambia)

© Copyright by
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
Gliwice 2006-2024

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TransportProblems (at) polsl.pl or Aleksander.Sladkowski (at) polsl.pl

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The Silesian University of Technology
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